Valeria A Jensen

November 27, 1940 - June 12, 2010



I thought I would write this letter to you since I was unable to talk with you before you left us.

For over forty years you have been there for me in the good times and not so good times sharing your thoughts, wisdom and humor to help your baby boy through the journey that is life. I will miss you terribly as we continue on without you until at some point in the distant future we are all together again talking and joking about things like your days working at the Cannery or all the Pullman stories.

I will carry with me the things you have taught me and try to make you proud each and every day, I will also carry on the traits that we shared together like our odd sense of humor, the ability to talk and move from subject to subject at sub light speed without missing a beat and the most important of all being there for Dad.

I would also like to say thank you for all the fun and wonderful memories we shared over the years from camping trips, family dinners and after work drive by visits.

I love you and you were the best Mom in the world.

Loving You,
Your Baby Boy.

From Your Daughter, Linda

‘Buttercup’…… The nickname I gave to my mom four years ago and she liked it. In fact she would remind me when I did not call her Buttercup.
The world is now short one uber super shopper and Nordstrom and QVC are just not going to be the same without your continued support.
My Mom always will continue to be in my eyes one of the truly and great all time great competitive shoppers of this world. No Nordstrom half yearly sale has ever been shopped like my mom could and to the personal peril of the seasoned sales staff and the rookie clerk beware. The shoe department and their staff were the most at peril. Shopping was my mom’s second best job in the world and that lady could shop.
Her first job was raising a pretty decent son and daughter with whom we share a pretty off the wall sense of humor and most importantly the life sense to know how to navigate what is handed to you on a moment’s notice. Just like now. You roll.
I lost my best friend and confidant on Saturday morning June the 12 but I know in my heart she can hear me and see me and let me know when I need her help and guidance. Yes we had our tussles and battles over the years and I would not trade one of them for anything. We grew from those uncomfortable moments and yet respected each other’s thoughts and moved on from there. Each day was a new day and I will cherish those forever. There were no grudges or I told you so’s.

In the days to come I will dearly miss the ‘hello daughter’ when I walked through the door to prepare our family dinner and our talking about the Young and the Restless and what was Victor up to now while I was getting things together or cleaning up.

Most of all I will miss the endless chatter that we had about nothing. Nothing was a lot about everything every day and that I will miss this the most. Like my brother Mark said we could move from subject to subject and leave everyone else in the dust just shaking their heads. It’s an acquired talent what can I say.

To my mom please know that we will take good care of dad and he will want for nothing. He is so very sad right now and we are all struggling with the loss of you but know that you are in a far better place and are free of pain and the struggles that have plagued you for so many years. You are deeply loved and very greatly missed and it has only been a couple of days. Please guide us in the days to come because I just simply do not know how we are going to go on without you. Buttercup the calls have been endless. You have a lot of people that loved and care about you.

With all the love in this world your daughter misses you immensely.
Buttercup….I love you.

Your Daughter Linda.

Hey Mom,

You have gone away, but you will never leave us. You are forever in our hearts and your loving and quirky nature lives on in your amazing children, your daughter Linda and son Mark, who I am lucky, is also my husband.

I will always hold dear the memories. Especially your ability to wiz thru various subjects at saber light speed, you’re crazy rain hats, bibs, coordinating dress and jewelry, your aaahs to my ooohs for 4th of July, the Pullman, Admiral theatre and embarrassing Mark, Linda and Arv stories, dill dip and mostly for the easy way you would laugh; loud, long and often!

‘Vag’ I miss you.

Your daughter-in-law,

Dear Sister

You can’t imagine my sorrow when I got the call that you had passed away. For over 69 years you have been my only sibling and I can’t fathom what my life is going to be without you. You had one of the kindest and most giving hearts of anyone I have ever known. You never forgot a birthday, holiday or anniversary. If you gave me a funny card, you always made sure that I got a serious one, too.

Over the past few years, I have so enjoyed our weekend get to-gethers, the shopping trips to Kohl’s, the dinners out, and all of the holiday and birthday celebrations at your house. I am so thankful that you made the amazing recovery you did after your long nursing home stay and we were able to enjoy all of our good times together. I know that we will continue to get together, because that is what you would have wanted us all to do. It won’t be the same without you, but I know that you will always be with us in spirit. Also, every time I make potato salad or Swedish pancakes, I will have some for you. I know how much you loved them both.

I have the pillow that you gave me for my birthday last year sitting on my rocking chair. It says: ‘I smile because you are my sister & I laugh because there is nothing that you can do about it.’ I love that pillow and it will be a constant reminder how lucky I was to have you for my sister for 69 years.

Rest in peace, Little Sister and until we meet again…Your Sister

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Charlotte & John Tamburelli
Charlotte & John Tamburelli
5 years ago

Arv, Linda & Mark, I wanted so much to come to Val’s memorial but could not. I will always remember Val with much love. She was our neighbor & friend,my kid’s second Mom when we were working, and we always knew she was there for all of us. She not only put up with me & our kids, she put up with our animals too..mainly the goats! What a wonderful sence of humor she had. We laughed over the silliest and dumbest stuff. She took me for a ride in the snow, down an icy hill, almost ran off the road maybe we did I can’t remember. But we laughed & laughed before we finally made it out of that mess. That was only one of the goofy times we had. Not enough room to mention them all. Oh what fun she was. I bet she has everyone in stitches where she is now. But one day we will laugh together again I’m sure. Till then I will treasure the memories. Arv,Linda,Mark & Ron too, I know you have wonderful memories also. Those will never leave you. Love to you all. Charlotte & John

H. Mike Smith
H. Mike Smith
5 years ago


So sorry to read of your wife’s passing. over time the the pain and emptiness well lesson, but good memories wil last forever. Be strong my freind.

Sharon Lind
Sharon Lind
5 years ago

Arvid, Linda Marie, Mark, and Linda

I am so sorry to hear that we lost Val. She was always a pleasure to be with. She is with her mom and dad now, and has more stories to tell them.

Lots of Love, your cousin Sharon

Malou Malonzo
Malou Malonzo
5 years ago

Linda and Family,

With deepest sympathy on your mom’s passing away. You will all be in our prayers. Malou

Chris & Tina Jarman
Chris & Tina Jarman
5 years ago

We are so sorry to hear about your mom . She was such a wonderful lady . She will be dearly missed in our hearts.

May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May the rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Judy Wilcox
Judy Wilcox
5 years ago

Arv, my very good friend ALWAYS Linda, and Mark

My heart goes out to you all and those who surround you because the love your family generates is truely compassion for each other and those your around. Please know Val will be resting in peace as we all send our good memories her way in heaven.

Joy, maellen, joagnes
Joy, maellen, joagnes
5 years ago

Auntie Val,

our family was so sorry to hear of your passing. You have left us now to go to paridise, where we know you will watch over us. We will miss you so very much. We will pray for your family and try to do our part to let them know they are not alone. We love you Auntie Val. Tell Joyce and Norm and Lee hi for us.

We will see you soon! We love you!

Love you forever,

Joy, Maellen, Joagnes

J. Moore
J. Moore
5 years ago

To the Family of Valeria A. Johnson,

So sorry to learn about the lost of your Dear Loved One, Valeria. Please know that so many people share your grief with you to help you through this difficult time of sorrow. Please accept my deepest sympathy as we await the time when Christ Jesus will awaken all of those who have fallen asleep in death, including your beloved, Valeria. John 11:41-44

William R. Henley II
William R. Henley II
5 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys during these hard times. It won’t be the same coming over for dinner and not getting to hear vals storys. At first i was overwelmed by how much she would talk to me but after getting to know her better i always looked foward to talking and listening to her. I will miss that. Rest in peace val.