Velma Stella Smith

January 28, 1919 - February 1, 2010


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Sherry Roberts
Sherry Roberts
5 years ago

The Angels received a beautiful person to have and hold. You will be missed but remain in our hearts.

Byron Bakke
Byron Bakke
5 years ago

Darlene, Gordy and Paul,

I am so glad I visited your Mom in Des Moines a couple of months ago. She still remembered some of the fun times from the old days in our neighborhood. Like the time she dressed up as a witch on Halloween and came shrieking through our yard. I was about 5 at the time and I really though she was a witch! I also remember putting May Day flowers on your front porch. Lot’s of good memories. Our condolences and the Lord’s blessings to you and your family. She was greatly loved by many.

Byron Bakke

Priscilla Skura
Priscilla Skura
5 years ago

Our families became one when your mother began babysitting for me and baby sister. All the fun we had back in the day brings fond memories. Our world is a little less beautiful to have lost such a wonderful person as Velma. Our families thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. May the Good Lord give her a beautiful family in heaven to watch out for and love. Sincerely, Pg

Jacqueline Steven-Russell
Jacqueline Steven-Russell
5 years ago

Dear Darlene and Paul,

I’m so very sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of enjoying Velma’s friendship for only a short couple of months but she made an impression on me that will last forever. Velma will be remembered by me as a warm, friendly, caring, gentle soul who enjoyed a good laugh. Hugs, Jacqueline