W. Preston Woodall, Sr.

May 28, 1921 - October 15, 2017


The body of W. Preston Woodall, Sr. died 15 October 2017 of cardio respiratory arrest.  He was 96 years of age.

Born 28 May 1921 in Kuttawa, KY to Elbert and Georgiann (Scott) Woodall, Mr. Woodall was  the fifth of six children. The family moved to Libertyville, IL when Mr Woodall was age four.  He graduated Libertyville Township  High  School in 1939, then studied at Eureka College, Eureka, IL and Illinois State Normal University. During World War II, Mr. Woodall worked producing plasma at  Frederick Stearns Pharmaceuticals, Detroit.  He came within one semester of a bachelor degree at Wayne State University, Detroit.

After the War, Mr. Woodall, began a septic tank service which morphed into a sewer and watermain construction company that by the 1960s had operations in three states. He developed a laser application for aligning pipes during construction.

After marrying Ruth Marie Barth in August 1953, they had three children:  Preston, Jr. , Priscilla Marie , and Philip Melvin.

In the late 1960s, Mr. Woodall moved his family west, settling in Issaquah and later, Burien, WA. Here he sold lasers for underground utility construction. He later became a real estate broker and invested in properties, beautifying the south Sound area and eventually creating a stable retirement.

Shortly after the death of his wife Ruth’s body, December 2003, Mr. Woodall moved to Wesley Homes, Des Moines, where he lived for almost 14 years.

From early childhood, when Mr. Woodall made a commitment to Christ, until his body’s death, he has  lived a God honoring life as a committed Christian. A leader in the churches he attended, he was also active in the Gideons, the Christian organization that distributes Bibles worldwide.  He was an honest, ethical man who put God and his family as priorities in his life.

 A favorite Scripture and a credo to his life was Psalm 119:105: “Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  Throughout his life, Mr. Woodall  turned to God’s Word for direction, comfort and strength.

In addition to his three children, W. Preston Woodall, Jr., D.O., Tacoma; Priscilla Woodall Hemphil (Scott), Normandy Park; and Philip M. Woodall, D.O., (Courtney), Round Rock, TX, Mr. Woodall is survived by nine grandchildren:  Lydia Woodall Johnson (William) Normandy Park; Abigail Woodall Rodeheaver (Kyle) Normandy Park; Hannah Woodall Baisch (David) Burien; and  Cassidy, Audria, Aaron, Eric, Grace, and Faith Woodall of Round Rock, TX. He is also survived by six great-grandchildren: Samuel and Blake Baisch, Abram Johnson, and Elsa, Kate and Colt Rodeheaver.

Mr. Woodall invested his life to God’s service and to others. ”Well done, good and faithful servant.” [Matthew 5: 21]

There will be a memorial service in Mr. Woodall’s honor on Saturday, November 4, 2017, at 2:00 PM, at Wesley Gardens, 816 S. 216th Street, Des Moines, WA 98198.

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Jeff Barth
Jeff Barth
5 years ago

Uncle Preston was always good to me.

I know he really loved my Aunt Ruth.

And I think he raised some great kids, my cousins.


Guy and Frances Lund
Guy and Frances Lund
5 years ago

Dearest Uncle Preston,

You have always been an inspiration to me. Your hard work and your very warmest feelings to me and my family. We will miss you, and now you are with your beloved Ruth and your mom and dad and brother and sister’s.

Rest in Peace Uncle.

Love your nephew Guy

Julie (Lund) Mineard
Julie (Lund) Mineard
5 years ago

We loved you very much. You are an amazing man. Glad Ruth is there to greet you. Love Julie, Monte and Josie

John Woodall
John Woodall
5 years ago

May our Lord richly bless uncle Preston as he is reunited with all his loved ones. My deepest condolences go out to my cousins: Preston, Priscilla and Philip, in the assurance that he will continue to guide, inspire and protect you from his new heavenly home.

Pastor Thomas Ramsay
Pastor Thomas Ramsay
5 years ago

While it has been many years since I had the opportunity to be both Preston and Ruth”s pastor when they attended Hillcrest Presbyterian Church in W.Seattle I will so remember the encouragement and authenticity of their faith and the special times Preston gave a fairly new and young minister wonderful Godly counsel and encouragement that powerfully blessed and encouraged me. I too rejoice that even in the personal worldly lose of this dear man, the joy knowing he is with the Lord and his wonderful wife, Ruth,

Blessings and hope,

Tom and Jerrie Ramsay

Priscilla Woodall
Priscilla Woodall
5 years ago

Love you Dad and always will. Hold Mom close for me. Heaven is rejoicing and we here cherish our memories and time with you.