Wanda Shelton Matthiesen
September 8, 1937 - February 5, 2008

Wanda Shelton Matthiesen, age 70, passed away peacefully February 5, 2008 in Renton, WA. Wanda is survived by her husband of 24 years, Edward; daughter, Pam Zarko; three sons, Randy Giddens Dee, Paul Matthiesen Ginger, Scott Matthiesen Lisa; 13 Grandchildren, Don Jennifer, Trichelle, Chris, Shawna, Kyle Sally, Brandy Isaac, Wade Megan, Bryant, Mikey, Jacob, Justin, Abby and JD; seven Great-grandchildren, Brandon, Sebastian, Hunter, Jake, Kyhara, Dillon and Deandre; brother, Gary Shelton and Wayne Matthews; sister, Patricia Webb. Heaven has a new angel. Our lives have been changed by your heart. Visitation will be held on Friday, 02/08/08 from 9am-12:30 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Parker Chapel, 900 SW 146th Street, Burien, WA 206 244-2320. Funeral Service will be held on Friday at 2:00 pm at Glendale Evangelical Lutheran Church, 13455 – 2nd Avenue SW, Burien, WA. Committal Washington Memorial Park.
I miss you so much,your laugh,your smile,your touch you always britened my days with all the smiles you sent my ways,I need you as my angel to always be at my side and to give me peace of mind,even tho I cannot see you I feel that you are near.Thank-you for being my Mother,I will always cheerish you and have you in my heart,my thoughts and my prayers.I love you mama and miss you very much.
grandmas smiles can brighten any moment,grandmas hugs put joy in all our days and grandmas love will stay with us forever and touch our lives in special ways,the values you taught all of us,the care you gave us,and the best love you gave us all and me,grandma you have made a difference in my life in more ways than I can count,thank-you for being my grandma and always being their and loving me,I miss you very much, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY GRANDMA
Happy Easter Mama,I miss you so much and wish we could be together,I know you are with God and in a better place.It still hurts very much that you are not here but I take one day at a time as you taught me to do.Their are alot of days where I want to pick up the phone and call you to tell you something but then I remember I cant.I know you are happy and at peace.I am getting stronger each and everyday but I feel lost without you.Mikey is hanging in their ,he misses you very much also,keep watching over us mama,Ilove you very much and miss you,Happy Easter
Mama, youve been gone for quite sometime but the memory of you still lives on it seems just like yesterday you left,my heart can still feel the pain everyday,every birthday,every holiday I wish I could be with you.Now I can only share these days with the memory of your hugs,your voice,the feel of your touch and the memeory of you.I still cry as I think of the past of all the memories we had even the ones that were once so faint they stand out more than ever.Mama I miss you very much so does mikey and we know you are happy with God and free of pain,please keep watching over us and guiding us you are missed so very much and so very loved.
Well mama christmas has come and gone it was very hard for me without you,I have never had a christmas without you.Everyone was able to come home except chris for christmas,we all were together for one last christmas because all of our lifes as a family are completely different now,people will be going their seperate ways and doing different things.Everyone took their christmas stockings home with them that you had made for us and dad and I followed through with getting the ornaments for all the kids and each year I will keep that tradition up for you because it was very special to you and meant alot.Mama I am so lost without you,I try very hard everyday to keep going on and I ask myself what would mama say to me to help me.I talk to aunt katie alot and sandra and wayne and that helps,but its not the same without you.I also miss gary alot and I hope you and him are together and watching out for mike and I together.I am working hard at being stronger everyday and getting through this but it is hard,I talk to god more and more and ask for his help,please keep watching over us mama,we love you and miss you very much
Mama, you are very much on my mind today as you are everyday.Today is christmas eve and I miss you so much but I also know that you are happy,not in any pain and you are with so many of your loved ones and most of all you are spending christmas with J esus and looking down on all of us.T his is my first time in my life that neither I nor Randy have not been with you at christmas but I know you are with us.Thanks mom for all the times you made our christmas’s so very special no matter how hard things were we always were together and had great times.We all miss you and love you very much please keep watch over all of us.
Mama,We have started to decorate the house for christmas,yesterday dad and I put up all the stockings including yours and dad is getting the rest of the stockings with everyones name on it done before christmas so everyone will have a stocking even the newest members of your family.Mom it doesnt seem like christmas without you,we all miss you so much.I am trying to get through it the best I can but its hard,I want to call you everyday and talk about what we are doing for each of the kids,going shopping for you and dad,planning x-mas dinner,I just feel like I am having a bad dream but I know it isnt it is very real,everyone will be home for x-mas this year except chris and his family,he couldnt come home but we will call him like we all do every year.This is going to be hard for Randy and I because our entire life we have never missed a christmas with you so it will be hard but I will also remember all the good ones we had,you always made cristmas good for us no matter how hard things were for us,you were a great mom and still are,Randy and I miss you very much and love you,we have gotten closer and stay in touch with each other so we are together and hanging in their.Love you mama.
Happy Thanksgiving mama you were on my mind so much today and I miss you so very much and so does mikey,he talked about you today and said its not the same without you but he looks up and he smiles because he knows your watching over him and he loves you so much.I think about alot of things I wish I could of said to you before God took you home but I can say them to you now as well.I think about the times that I said hurtful things to you and when I would get mad at you and I wish I could take them all back,I feel so bad for the hurt I caused you and the worry and I am so sorry mom because you were a great mom and was their for me and randy,we always knew we were loved and wanted.I am a better person today for the things you taught me and we worked out our problems and became good friends and mama,I loved and admired you as a person and people tell me that I am alot like you and when I hear that I SMILE AND SAY Thank-you.Please keep watching over us and help us all get through christmas because this will be all of our first without you,may God keep you in his arms and bless us all,I love you.
Mama the holidays are coming,Thanksgiving first and then Christmas.I have started to buy the ornements for the grand-kids,I will keep the tradition up for you,some of the grand-kids are asking if they will still get them and I tolled them yes.This will be my first christmas with out you and it seems very weird not to be able to talk to you about what we want to get for the kids for christmas,plan christmas dinner and look forward for the family to be together.Sometimes I have my doubts whether I can get through life without you,I miss you so very much and would love to have your arms around me.I miss our talks we use to have,our time together and just being your daughter,I am so thankful to god that he gave you to me as my mama,people tell me I am alot like you and I am proud of that when I here that.Mama I love you and miss you very much,please keep us all safe and watch out for us.
Happy Halloween Mama,we all miss you very much,you would of loved all your little ones dressed up tonight in their costumes,they are so cute were not prejudice are we.Brandy also started her second phase of chemo today were she has just one drug,I talked to her afterwards and she was tired but feeling good,she has also been blessed to have Sebastian back into her life again,he has been coming pretty much every other weekend sometimes every weekend,he has gotten so big and tall but he hasnt changed any still looks like his mom,he misses you and Papa Ron but knows you are in a better place,hopefully he will get to spend christmas with the family this year.Your missed very much mama and your loved so very much.
Mama,I have some exciting news to share with you,chris,your grand-son finally took the plunge into married life.He and Jessica were married yesterday October 28,2008 in a small private ceremony at city hall in Phoenix.Arizonia.He seems to be really excited and very happy and very much in love,Jess is a sweetheart,you would fall in love with her right away and love her.I will be going to see them in Feb and I plan on taking your parents champagne glasses with me so they can carry on the family tradition to toast them with the glasses,I know that is what you would want done so I will make sure it gets done.We all miss you very much and I know you are watching out for all of us,Ilove you mama
Mama I miss you so much,you are very much on my mind today and I feel that you are with me.I ask that you watch over Randy as he is back in Arizonia,please guide him safely and be with him.Brandy is through the first phase of her cancer,she has completed three of her four drugs and this past monday she had to have her first blood transfusion and did great with it,she starts her last drug on october 31st so please give her strength,love and faith to get through this one and pray that the cancer is all gone and she makes a full recovery,we all miss you very much and love you more than the universe so please keep us all in your faith and keep watching over us
grandma,times with you were so special and all too quickly pass you filled my world with unending love,and memories that will last forever,if I could pick a grandmother,theres no doubt what I would do,Id pick the kindest,sweetest one and Grams that would be you.I love you and miss you very much,I know your always with me.
mama,there are angels God puts on this earth who care for us and guide us,you can feel their love and gentleness as they walk through life beside us.God blessed me with a person like that,she loves me more than any other.And Im thankful I am the lucky one who gets to call her MOTHER.I miss you so very much and I know you are with me,please watch over all of us especially Brandy,she is half-way through her cancer treatment so please give her your strength and faith to make a full recovery,I love you mama
The weather is starting to change mama and its getting cold and damp but you dont have to worry about hurting anymore all your pain is gone and what you feel now is so wonderful and I know you are very much at peace,we all are hanging in their missing you very much,we talk about you alot.I spend alot of time with Aunt Kate and that helps me,she has been their for me alot and she misses you also,she and Uncle Jim have been telling me different stories of trips that the three of you have been on together and its nice to hear funny things about you and try to picture you doing them.I miss you mama very much and so does Mikey,we love you.
Mama,your very much on my mind and heart today,you are everyday but for some reason you are really strong with me today.I look for your guidence and your faith as I try to help and giude my family.I miss you so much mama and I look up and smile and hope you can see me.I am trying to hang in their but some days it is really hard but I try and think what you would tell me and get through one day at a time so please keep sending me your faith and guidence and I will do my best,Ilove you and miss you very much.
Happy Birthday Grandma! I miss you so much! I know your watching over us all.. I can feel your love.. Life isnt the same without you!
Happy Birthday Grams I wanted to say that I miss you very much,your birthday means so much to me just like everyday did that I was lucky to have you in my life,it would be very nice to of been able to have you another year but God had other plans for you to be with him,the love you gave me was the greatest gift I have ever gotten and to have you as my Grams was one of the best parts of my life,you and mom have always been their for me and I am learning how to put your very wise wisdom and suggestions to good use to get through daily life.I am trying very hard to help mom as much as I can she misses you very much but we get through it together,Each day and each moment I had with you I will always cherish with all my heart,I will always remember our special bond you always tried to lift my spirit in so many ways I celebrate your life,I honor you and send to you all my love now and always forever,please keep watching over me and guide me Ilove and miss you very much
Happy Birthday Mama,its your Birthday so I will raise a cheer for without you,wonderful person I would not be here.Yes I owe life all to you mama you always encouraged me in everything and tried not to let me fall but you also tried to catch me when I would fall.Through out my life your caring brightened each and every minute.You always loved me unconditionally and you enriched my life.Through the good and the bad you were always their and I know you still are.God took you to be with him for a reason and it makes me sad that your not here but I know we will be together again one day but until then I know I can look up and see you smiling and what a beautiful smile it is,I love you mama,Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, I miss you so much, I know you are in a better place and are watching over us. I wish you were here so I could talk to you, One day I will see you again. I love you.
Grandmama,today is my first birthday without you,Can you believe I am 20 years old,I miss you so very much and would give anything for a big birthday hug but I will have mama give me a hug for you.I look up alot and smile at you and I hope you hear me when I talk to you,I have dreams about you and I know you are with Gary and you both are looking out for me and mom.Grams it is not the same without you hear but I know your in a better place and your not hurting anymore.I take one day at atime and get through that and think each day through and if I have a hard time,I ask myself what would grams tell me and I work it out.I love you and miss you and you are with me everyday,you are the greatest grandma anyone could ask for and I am very lucky to say your my grams.
Pam, Randy, & Family—I FINALLY was able to get onto Wanda’s website. It is so very beautiful!! I love the pictures of her. Pam, you look just like her!! Just wanted to let you guys know how much she was loved and thought of, even tho we didn’t get to be around ya’ll for so many years. Our love to all of you! Edwin & Anita Taylor
Wanda, When I read all of the memorials in the guestbook, I wanted to cry. You were SO VERY MUCH like my Motheryour Aunt Bronnie. I know she was smiling down when you & Ed showed up after she had passed. She always loved you, and ya both seem to have left such an impact on ANY life you touched—especially your family. I will NEVER 4-get how you used to take us to school, Dr.& Dentist appt’s., grocery store, etc., ’cause Mother couldn’t drive back then, and Daddy drove a truck. I just want you to know that I love you & that you are missed just as much as your Aunt Bronnie is missed.
Love to Ed, Pam, Randy, all the family. Your cousins from Savannah, GA—–Edwin & Anita Taylor. Thanks for ALL the memories!
Mama,I sure wish you were here,today is a bad day and I have so much going on in my life and I feel like I am being pulled into a thousand different directions and I cant please everyone and do what everyone ask of me,I also have to take care of me and of mikey but some people dont except that without getting mad at me so I look up and say talk to me mom and help me with what I need to do and I have also been talking to Aunt Katie alot and spending alot of time with her and she has helped me alot but I sure do miss you mama,I wish I could feel your arms around me and feel the touch of your hand on my face and hear you tell me that its gonna be okay and to take one day at a time and deal with onething at a time.I love you very much.
Mama,I miss you and love you very much.I look up and I smile,when I am sad I look up and smile,when I dont know what to do I look up and figure out what I need to do.I was very blessed to have you for my mother.
Mama,I miss you so much and need you.It is very hard to go day by day without you here.You were the glue that kept us all together and some of us have fallen but are trying to pick ourselves up and put the peices back together.Not only have I lost you but I lost the love of my life and I am even more lost but I look up and I smile because I hope you both are smiling down on me and giving me the strength to get through each day.I have to be strong to help Brandy through her Cancer and I know you are with her with that and so does she,Mike misses you very much,he has alot of dreams about you and he shares them with me,he loves you very much as we all do.Randy is hanging in their,he misses you very much also but he knows you are in a better place and not suffering,he also looks up and smiles at you.Please keep giving me your strength and faith to help my family do what needs to be done.Mama your missed so much and loved so much.
Mama,here is a poem for you,I love you and miss you
Coming through the haze of memory,I see your face,I feel your love.
Your voice calls out to me.
If only I could somehow find a way to have you here beside me,
if just for a day…
or for an hour,or a moment.
to hug you just once more…
to say the words I may have failed
to say,enough,before.
Now in my daily prayers
I send these words to you,
In my heart,I say these words,
I hope you always know,
Mom,I love you
Mom,I miss you
I know if I look up I will see you.
MoM,I miss you very much.Their is so many things going on in my life that I need you to help me through but I know that isnt possible so I try and think how you would help me through it.This time last year me,you and mikey were in Tifton getting you better and waiting to bring you home.Mama I love you so much and miss you but I know you are with me.We are all having a hard time,we have all kinda fallen apart without you but we are all trying to get it together,support each other and stay strong.We all miss you mom very much,please watch out for us and guide us.I love you.
To my Grandmother with loving memories on Mothers Day,my memories of you and the days we have shared are full of love,but grandmama you know that because you put the love into everyone of us.I miss you very much,I love you with all my heart.
Happy Mothers Day To The Worlds Best Grandmama.
From your Daughter on Mothers Day,I used to think that all mothers and daughters were close to each other,but know I now I know how special our relationship really was and I cant help but think thats because there arent many mothers like you.You made it so easy to feel proud of you,to be thankful for you and to love you.I hear so much how much I look like you and it makes me very proud and honored when people tell me I look like you,I cant think of anyone else I would rather look like or be like than you.I am so grateful to God that he chose to give you to me as my mom,you are such an awesome person and always loved me unconditionaly.I miss you so much and wish I could hug you,I talk to you alot,I know your listening and I know your with me,Happy Mothers Day To The Worlds Best Mom,I love you.
Mom,I love you so much,I will always remember you.Mom was the first word I spoke,because that word means love.From far away and from up close you deserve to be praised,Mom each day should be your celebration,since you play a major role in our creation.Mom nothing can replace you,how can I ever thank-you for all that you have given me.Mom it is a eternal debt that I will carry into heaven.Mom I will always love you with all my heart,I miss you so very,very much.I hope and pray that you are around me and are still guiding me.
My Angel Grandmother
She was my friend,my confidante
She was loved by everyone who knew her,and she was described as an Angel,by family,friends,and even people who just met her.She was my own personal Angel,and though I cant see her anymore,I thank God for the blessing of his gift to me–my Angel Grandmother.
Grandma today is Easter and I miss you very much,your in my thoughts and my dreams everyday,please look over me always,Ilove you
My Angel from Heaven
Dear Lord,
You gave me an Angel from heaven,Who tended to me every day.She saw me through trials and errors.Watched and prayed as I went on my way.My Angel protected me always and vigilant ever was she,while fasting and praying for others and faithfully calling on Thee.My Angel from heaven did love me,I was blessed from the day I was born.For that Angel was my precious mama,and now her departure I mourn.
So please,Father,give her that mansion,She talked about time after time.Let her sing in your heavenly choir,Among Angel’s voices.
Happy Easter Mama,I miss you very much,wish I could have a big hug from you please watch over me always and please help guide me to make the right decisions.I love you
Mom,today is my first birthday without you but I do know that in my heart you are with me,I wish I could kiss your cheek and feel your big srtong hugs you always had lots of those for me.You were always the first one to call me on my birthday and sing Happy Birthday to me,I remember when I was younger my birthdays were always very special and each birthday I would have a doll on my cake I dont know what happened to them but they were neat and each year they were different.I know you are always with me mama but I miss you so very much and I know you are with grandma and your having a blast together.Your always in my thoughts and my prayers and my dreams and I know we will be together again,I miss you and love you very much.
You are in our prayers!
Mom,you nurtured me for nine months,you suffered a lot for me,you were always their to advise me on anything,anytime.Mom was the first word I spoke because that word means Love.From far away and from up close you deserve to be praised.Mom each day you deserve to be celebrated since you play a major role in our creation.Mom nothing can replace you how can I ever Thank-you for all that you have given me,Mom it is a eternal debt that I will carry into heaven.Mom I can only bow my head to you and say I miss you very much and I love you very much.I feel very lost without you and I feel part of me is missing.
Grandma,Thank-you for being the special person that you are and for the endless love that has stretched so far,Grams Thank-you for the love and care that I have known and felt from you,your big hugs and kisses,your guidence and support and telling me to be my own person and excepting me for who I am even with my disibilities and encouraging me to not to give up but try anything I wanted to do and see what the out come was.I am who I am because of you and mom,I will continue to be a great person and try my best.Thank-you is not enough but yet I say this is quite true,but Thank-you especially for being my Grandmother,I miss you very much and I love you.I will see you in my dreams and I know you are with me always.
Grandma,thank-you for being the special person that you are and for the endless love that has stretched so far.Grams thank-you for the love and care that I have known from you.You have always encouraged me to do what I wanted to do even with my disibilities,you always tolled me to do my best and not to give up even when things were very hard.I am who I am today because of you and mom you have always been their and I know you will always be with me.Thank-you is not enough but yet I say this alot.Thank-you especially for being my Grandmother giving me the biggest hugs and kisses,I will see you in my dreams and I know you are always with me.I miss you everyday and I love you.
You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she lived, You can close your eyes & pray that she will come back, or You can open your eyes & see all that she has left. Your heart can be empty because you cant see her, or you can be full of the love you shared, you can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her & only that she is gone, or you can cherish her memory & let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty & turn your back, or You can do what she would want.. smile, open your eyes, LOVE & GO ON!
I found this and it made me think of you grandma.. Theres not a day that goes by that I dont miss you. You were such a wonderful woman and an inspiration to pretty much everyone you met.. We all miss you so much, and know that your smiling down & watching over us.. I love you!
I believe it is not the day you are born, or the moment that God takes you home but what journey you take on this earth that is important, and Mom’s couldn’t have been better. She was a ray of sunshine on a rainy day, a warm smile and loving hug when you needed encouragement and someone who would allways love you no matter what. She was there for me whenever I needed her, giving me words of wisdom or sharing a smile. She made me feel like an important part of the family, and I honor her for sharing her love, and passion of life with me. I know that she will live in my heart forever, and her journey impacted the lives of all those that came in contact with her.
I am thankful for the moments I spent with her, and know that God has Blessed Heaven with one of his best.
I love you Mom, and miss you every day.
Grandma has a kind and gentle heart.I will allways remember her hugs.She always squezed hard but it was nice.she taught alot about how to love and care for each other.She was the best grandma I have ever had.I will always miss her
The first time I met Wanda I knew she was special. She always seemed to have a sparkle in her eyes and a glow to her cheeks. She was always so kind to my children and I. The heart of an Angel. Even though my time of knowing Wanda was short she has made an impact in my life with her kind heart and splendid advice. Sharing stories of her past that were always so interesting. I remember you telling me that to go for what I desired and have faith in myself. Wanda you will truly be missed. And thankyou for touching my life with your kindness.
Ed and family, Sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family will be in our prayers.
We meet maybe one or two people in our lives that make us feel very loved & special. Wanda was one of those chosen few that make the world a better place for us all. I will miss her very much.
Ed my thoughts & prayers are with you.
God be with you.
Mom was so full of love, fun and enthusiam for life. She always made me feel like I was her daughter. She taught me how to love unconditionally by loving others unconditionally. She helped me through some of the hardest times of my life. She was very wise and open when helping me through things. She also made me laugh a lot!! We would chat on the phone for hours. We shared testimonies of strong faith in God and what he has
done in our lives and the lives around us. I remember her telling me about some of the children she loved so much in Sunday school and the joy she got out of watching them grow. Her greatest desire was for the family to Love eachother and love God. She asked me to help her with the family and I promised her I would. So I am here for anyone who needs an ear. Mom will be missed so dearly.
I was very young when I got to know Wanda Faye at family reunions in Tifton. She was always kind to me and my sister Morris’ daughters which made an impression because we were both very shy.
Please know that she was and is loved by all the Waldrop family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time.
Wanda was a dear friend, and we have shared sad times and happy time together; and we were there for one another in some of the most trying times in our early years back here in Georgia. We will miss her dearly, and our hearts go out to her family members, especially Ed, Pam, and Randy. Thank you all for your most gracious hospitality during those times we were out there, and hope to get back out that way in the future. Keep in touch.
Martha & Charles
my grandma was the best to me out of all of my family. The best thing i remember about grandma was when you get or give her a hug she would basicly give you a bear hug but it wasn’t painfull, it was the best feeling i have ever had. Grandma was the most loving person in the world. Also when ever i got into an argument with my parents, she made it better really quick. All i know is that is going to be hard without being able to ask grandma for help over the phone. I LOVE YOU GRANDMA AND YOU MEANT THE WORLD TO ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ED and Family,
We are sorry that we are not with you at this time of need, but our hearts and prayer are with you.
She was a joy and a blessing in our lives. We know we will see her again in heaven. Jesus has promised us that in Jn: 14-2.
May God comfort the family at your loss.
Mark and Sally Hollibaugh
GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN, AND WE DID! Together we jumped off a boat into the ocean off Hawaii, relaxed in the hot springs of Montana, Shopped for jewelery in Cabo, and enjoyed the flowers of Victoria. Wanda will be missed.
Love Pam Johnson