Wayne Allen Koenig
July 18, 1968 - February 3, 2008

Wayne Allen Koenig
Born July 18, 1968, raised in Burien and died February 3, 2008 in Tacoma. Loving husband of Kim, stepfather of Dustin Weyer, wife Jenifer, step grandfather to Alliyah, Austin, Jordan, Brandon and Dylan of Spanaway; son of Eldon and Helen Koenig of Federal Way; sister Nancy Thayer husband Dan of Bremerton; brother Robert, daughter Kasey and son Zackary of Renton. Graduate of Evergreen High School. He was employed by a neighbor to do custodial work for area businesses and owned a window washing business during his high school years. He started working for Boeing in their custodial staff at 19 years old, then progressed to become an equipment maintenance mechanic and even worked as a crane operator for a year. For those who knew Wayne, he would give you the shirt off his back, help anyone that needed it and valued family. He was full of life, friendly, and fun. He worked hard and played hard: camping, rafting, concerts, hunting, and parties in his earlier years and fishing, smoking his catch and gambling more recently, He’d help you move, fix your car, wash all the windows in your house, loan you his pressure washer and do the entire job while he was showing you how to use it. He enjoyed people and had many friends. He was romantic marrying his wife Kim on Valentine’s Day in 1999 which he joked was so he would remember the date. If you knew Wayne, you would have a funny story about him. He was a practical joker and it tickled him when his jokes worked. He was a very special person, deeply loved and will truly be missed. Visitation will be held on Thursday from 3-8:00 pm, Friday from 9-8:00 pm and Saturday from 9-11:30 am. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 12:30 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Federal Way, 1535 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 253 839-7317.
Have only just recently learned of our loss. Please extend my condolences as appropriate to friends and family. Additionally, I would like to get in touch with Kim if at all possible. We all worked at BOeing around the same time and I havenot seen her since. 425681-6422 Love, peace, and joy
I met Wayne soo long ago, I don’t remember the exact year. Probably the Cascade days, 80′-82′ or Evergreen 82′-86′? I haven’t seen Wayne for 1/2 dozen years, but when ya know a guy like Wayne Koenig, you feel as if you’ve ALWAYS known him. He’s in my memory, almost as far back, as I can go… Whenever we’d bump into each other, the very first thing I got, was his smile. This phrase is an understatement, and soo true. Wayne is truly one of thee NICEST GUYS I’VE EVER KNOWN. I will pray, if any man has any responsibility for Waynes’ premature passing. They feel the lord’s elbow nudge them every day for the rest of their lives. They should come to feel the shame and guilt, in their ultimate error. Not as revenge, but as a constant reminder; they REMOVED A GENUINELY GOOD MAN from an earth, in need of GOOD MEN~ RIP W.A.K
Wayne, it’s been hard to think of what to say. Your life was cut way to short. I am so thankful for your friendship and for introducing me to my husband of almost 16 yrs. Jay Fosberg. You don’t realize how much you miss someone until there gone. You surprised me a few months ago meeting Jay, Brennan and I for lunch. Jay told me there was a special guest meeting us at Applebees, and I was excited to see you after so long. Life just kind of gets away from you when you grow up and get married. You were the best man in our wedding and looking back through old pictures we had some great times and made many memories. You will always be in our hearts. We love you and miss you.
Kim, Eldon, Helen, Bob, Nancy, and family. You are all lifted up in our prayers. We are here if you need anything.
I remember the day you were born–no time to eat–had to get mom to the hospital. Dad took me to Lemieux’s for French toast. I remember the panic the night we almost lost you when you stopped breathing. I remember helping care for you, especially the dry heaves when I had to change your diaper! I can still see you out of the corner of my eye as I repeated my wedding vows–sitting in the front row between mom & Aunt Hilda. Hilda was appalled that you had worn 6-shooters to a wedding & tried to get you to put them in her purse; but you were a cowboy & would have none of it! I remember your pride at having restored dad’s old truck. I remember coming home from Virginia for a visit. You invited me over to see the improvements you’d made to your home & to introduce me to “someone special.†It was a warm evening so you, Kim & I sat in the front yard with a bottle of champagne; you told me how much you loved Kim & were trying to convince her to marry you. I told you both that if you worried about gossip & lived life to please others you could never be happy—that you should do whatever made you happy. I enjoyed watching your Fish Lake campsite change over the years from a couple of dome tents, cook stove & lantern to a campsite that, if they gave such an award, would earn the Better Homes & Gardens seal of approval. Thank you for washing my windows & removing the moss from my roof, for taking me fishing on Kitsap Lake, for turning to me when you needed help—sorry I wasn’t always so helpful. Thanks for the smoked fish—it was the best. I love you and miss you so much!
I will always remeber wayne as a caring and genuine bud. Wayne was there for me when i had no place to go and live. he opened his doors to me and allowed me to live in his house until I can get on my feet. I will always be greatful. My prayers are with the Eldon and Helen. God bless and may time help alleviate the pain.
You were the kindest and sweetest boy I knew growing up and will always be that special someone in my memories. And I still have fond memories of our senior prom together…love always, Barbi
Eldon, Marqaret & Family,
My deepest sympathy in the loss of Wayne. With love and affection.
Cindy Breed
Koenig Family,
Thinking of you in this time of loss.
Bernice Taylor
I love you very much. Love, Dad
To Wayneman,Skully from Kainman my best friend since 5th grade what can I say we had so many great times Prom,parties,shooting pool one handed against each other,throwing darts, volleyball in backyard,going to Steve miller at the Gorge just hanging out with other friends, going to Ocean Shores with your parents and brother,comedy shows, going out dancing even though you never danced that good! LOL I miss you so much and yes we are going to have the 1 Scotch 1 Bourbon and 1 Beer for you! Love you man your friend forever Darrold EHS “86”
To his family I’m just so sorry and this is so tragic and upsetting for me. I miss my friend!!!!
My thoughts and prayers go out to Wayne’s family. I have known Wayne since he was 10 years old. I believe he will be missed as a good man and great friend.
Wayne was a good friend, we worked together in the early 90’s at the D.C.Plant. Wayno as I called him was always telling jokes and doing off the wall things “paper dots”,”booger pole”, the lunches before work and so on, I want get into those things. We had a clan down their we called ourselves the “duke boys” the things we used to do before and during work. We ran into each other up here in Everett on second shift. He started laughing and bringing up the past memories, I”ll never forget the good times we all had with our dear friend Wayno, he will be missed by friends and co-workers. My heart goes out to his wife and family.
Wayne was a cool guy. I will miss him. And his funnies jokes.
Wayne was a cool guy. I will miss him. And his funnies jokes.
Kim, My thoughts and prayers go out to you. May the all wonderful memories you shared with Wayne and God’s love bring you strength during this difficult time.
Family, Truly sorry and saddened for you at this time. Love as always, Ardy, Ron, Jack and families.
The first time I met Wayne was his first day on the job at Boeing. His work ethic was second to none, but above that, he was a friend. My heart goes out to family and those of us who where lucky enough to have really known him. I will always remember the birthdays we shared. May God bless you my friend.
I worked along side of Wayne in Equipment Services at the Everett Boeing plant and could not of been happier having a man with the work ethic and eagerness to get things done that he brought to the crew. Although I did not know Wayne for a long period of time, the time that I did he will leave a lasting impression in my life. He always spoke highly of his family and seemed to love the outdoors. He also smoked awesome salmon and trout.Thanks Wayne
Kim, My prayers are with you.
I went to Evergreen High School with Wayne, and I have many good memories of our times together. I am so thankful that I was able to reconnect with him last summer at Emerald Downs. He was such a kind, sweet friend, and he will be missed.
Many people will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends
will leave footprints in your heart.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
I worked with Wayne for several years, and was delighted when he recently returned to our crew in the interiors building at the Everett site. We shared many laughs and I always enjoyed his company and the e-mails he would share with the crew. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends who feel his absence, and try to understand why he is no longer with us.
I would like to express my condolences to all of Wayne’s friends and family. Over the past 15 years or so I had several opportunities to talk with Wayne at Jo and Bob’s house and down at Ocean Shores. He was always very friendly, happy and energetic. He will be missed by all who knew him.
Wayne was a friend of my son David Spooner when they were at Evergreen High School Together. He was a very nice young man. Our heart goes out to his wife, children, parents & other family members at this time. I pray that God will be with you.
this is a very sad time. wayne was a very good person and will always be remembered in my heart god bless you wayne
May God give you comfort and strength during this difficult time.
I’m his nephew he was a great uncle. He gave me rifle man magizeens,and offered to take me hunting. He always told funny jokes that would put a smile on my face.
I’m his neice, he was a great uncle, he is in some of my earliest memories. Like when he threw money in a hole I was digging so I thought I had found treasure. I miss him so much. I’ll always remember his sence of humor, looking through pictures of him all of the funny ones are the ones that show his personality. When people ask me about him I tell them he was a cool uncle, and fun to be around. One of those people that can make you feel happy just by being in the same room as them. I love him always
God bless you all, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I worked with Wayne for about 5 years at Boeing, you’re right I have many funny stories to share that involved Wayne. Everything from a Hank Hill joke we played on our supervisor, Eva. We can’t forget the “Booger Pole” Wayne could always make our crew laugh. He was a great guy! Another thing that was known by anyone who knew Wayne was his love for his family. He truly adored his wife and talked about going to Reno for their anniversary. He will be missed by everyone who knew him and my heart breaks for his wife and family. If there is anything I can do please let me know.
Even though I have not seen Wayne in a long time, I will never forget his humor, kindness and friendship. My heart goes out to his family in this very hard time, just know he is always with you. He will be greatly missed.
I went to school with Wayne what a shock to see his name in the newspaper. My heart and thoughts go out to his family
Lost touch with many friends years ago…since facebook I was able to find many old friends and also found that some had passed…Its so heartbreaking . Wayne was the best! I remember being new at Evergreen High School and he was so kind to me and became good friends., Wayne took me skiing for the first time ….we had such a blast!. I have many memories of Wayne and wish that we had not lost touch like so many others..its true that you dont know how much someone has impacted your life until there gone…He will be missed and Im so sorry to his family. We were all so blessed to know him
I have a fun story. I knew Wayne growing up as a kid from my Salmon Creek Elementary days. We used to play marbles out on the playground and I did pretty well. In 5th grade I traded Wayne a big bag of marbles I had. There must have been over a hundred or so. I traded for a bag of black powder. I had no clue what I was getting into with that. I ended up laying out a big line of it and lit it thinking it would sizzle along like in the cartoons. Nope big flash that ended me up in the hospital. I remember coming back to school a couple three weeks later and Wayne was genuinely sorry for trading me. I told him it wasnt his fault I was being an idiot. LOL. He was a good guy with a great heart.