Wiliam D. Loken
December 29, 1929 - April 20, 2006

William D. Bill Loken
Bill Loken was born on Dec. 9, 1929 to William and Jennie Loken in Windom, Minnesota. In 1941 along with his sister Janet, the Lokens headed west to Seattle. He attended Highline High School where he excelled in track, basketball and football. This is where he met his wife Marie Parker and they married in 1950. They moved to Sherman, TX where he was enlisted in the Air Force. There Bill and Marie started a family. They soon moved back to Seattle where they raised their 4 children, Denise, David, Billy and Debbie. Bill worked in the Asphalt Paving Business for over 30 years, retiring in 1992. You could often find Bill dancing to polka music, walking his dog, gardening, enjoying his friends, family and his much loved grandchildren, Jamie and Jacob Soule, Ryan, Whitney, LaNiece and Leslie Loken. Bill was a great man, husband, father, grandfather and friend. Thank you to our friends and relatives who provided support in our time of need. Memorial Service to be held at Washington Memorial in SeaTac on Monday, April 24, at 11:00 AM. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to find a cure for Alzheimer’s. Please sign online memorial guest book at wwwbonneywatson.com.
My dad, my hero. I will miss you greatly, no words could ever express what an impact you had in my life. You always supported me, taught me right from wrong, it was like living the “June and Ward Cleaver” life. There are so many memories of us that I will cherish forever. One of my best is you swooping in when that nasty rooster had me pinned up against a fence and all I could do was scream and stand frozen. I also enjoyed the days you spent teaching me to throw and kick a football, as well as the shotput. I am glad that I was able to spend so much time with you in the last few months, and before that our Wednesday morning breakfasts. I know that you are in a better place and I promise to take care of mom, and I am glad you will be with Billy. I miss you and I LOVE YOU FOREVER!
grandpa bill there is no way to express the greif that i feel from your loss. I will always remember you, the thins that you taught me, the advice that you gave me. I will always know how to polka, how to where suspenders, and of course who Lawrence Welk is. Even though you are gone, we all know that your are free of pain, and are in a much better place. I will always treasure the time that we spent together.
Marie, I was so saddened to hear of Bill’s passing. My love to you and your family.
My prayers are with you all.
When ever I hear a polka the first thing that comes to mind is Bill dancing.
The memories are for us to
hold onto.
Sorry I am unable to make the services.
Marie and Family, Thinking of you. Moose Steier
Grandpa Bill
My grandpa was a hard working man
Who would lend anyone a helping hand
How lucky for grandma she snagged a real man
He was tall, dark & handsome just as she planned
Denise, David, Billy & Debbie they all called him dad
With them in the house how could you be sad?
In 1983, I’m sure you’d agree Bill become a grandpa
Count them there’s 3 Ryan, Jacob & LaNiece
Just as he was getting use to great cartoons by Disney
Out popped Leslie, Jamie & Whitney
Guy, Eddie, Frankie & Lawrence Welk
He sure did love to dance at the Elks.
I soon learned by the time I was two
To always bring over my dancing shoes
I’d get a quarter for every song I sang
Like “Sue City Sue,” & “Sing In The Rain”
Slumber parties were an awesome time
Ice Cream cones & cookies were all mine.
After hours of dancing my feet would stink
Just before bed grandpa would wash them in the bathroom sink
He loved everyone for who they were:
Jeff, J.J. & Debbie are the in-laws you see
Daughter, and sons he loved all three
Denise with her business & horse
LaNiece, Leslie and Ryan enrolled in college courses
Jake & his grandpa could talk all day
But it was really grandmas cooking that made him stay
David grew up to be quite handy
Then there was Billy who’s smile was so dandy
Along came Whitney the last grandchild of all
Grandpa said “I’ll teacher her to dance, & stand real tall”
My mother Debbie the youngest you see
To her it’s daddy but its grandpa to me.
Thank you for your unconditional love and support you are missed and loved greater then you know…
Bill was a regular visitor at
Water District #49 and I always looked forward to visiting with him there and also at the Veterans Memorial celebrations at Washington Memorial. He loaned me some of his cassettes of old music from the 40’s/50’s which he had recorded and in which we shared an interest. I’ll miss having him in the community.
retired from WD#49 in 2005
Sorry to hear of your loss Marie. Rozanna CapelotoTeresa Zetterwall’s Mother in Law
Bill was alway so friendly and welcoming when Mom and I visited Marie. He was a great husband and father and I know he will be missed.
With our deepest sympathy to Marie and the family
Neil and Maxine
Marie and family,
I am so sorry about your husband’s passing. The Highline staff and community are here and thinking about you.
Hugs and Love,
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss.
Dear Marie and family,
I am sorry I could’nt make it to Bill’s funeral. I heard it was very nice and touching. I have had Bill and all of you in my thoughts ever since I found out he had passed away. Take comfort in knowing he is with Billy now and at peace. Love, Janet
I am very sorry to hear of Bill’s passing and send my condolences to his family.
I didn’t know Bill, Marie or any of his family very well but I do remember then visiting my cousin’s The Parker’s and swimming with Debbie and my cousin Rick.
It has been many years since I last saw Bill but I remember him fondly and recall he was a very good friend and neighbor to my cousins who lived across the street from him. I always heard what an outstanding Father and Husband Bill, always dedicated to his family.
Marie: I was saddened to learn of Bill’s passing. I’ll always remember your taking good care of me while we were stationed at Perrin