William Edward Castrow

January 29, 1932 - November 29, 2008


William E. Castrow
1/19/32 – 11/30/08

Born to Bill and Alice Castrow on January 19, 1932, William ‘Bill’ Castrow passed away with his family at his side on the morning of November 30th after a long illness.
Bill is survived by his loving wife of 54 years Arlene, son Nick Laurie, daughter Janet Pennacchi Mike, son Chris Barbara and 7 grandchildren, Billy, Dani, Michael, Tim, Sydnee, John and Ashlyn.

Bill was a lifelong resident of the Seattle area growing up in West Seattle where he excelled in sports at West Seattle High and spent his last 44 years in Burien where he and Arlene chose to raise their family. He was a respected businessman in the foodservice industry before retiring in 1997.

Bill was a ‘gentle giant’ who experienced and enjoyed life to its fullest. Upon completion of his formal education he volunteered for duty in the United States Coast Guard where he served proudly. He played and coached football well into his 30’s for the now defunct Seattle Ramblers. He was one of the original Seafair Pirates. And he was an avid boater. He was a life member of Queen City Yacht Club, an inductee to the Pacific Northwest Football Hall of Fame and a proud member of the West Seattle High 50 year Monogram Club. Bill was a generous man who would not hesitate to help a friend and often times a stranger in need.

Yet with all of his accomplishments nothing gave him more joy than his family. He was a loving father who took great pride in his children accomplishments. He never missed one of his children’s sporting events A trait that carried forward to his grandchildren. In fact he rarely missed a football practice. Bill was always willing to lend an ear when asked or to offer advice when needed, his wisdom always proved true over time. He was a great role model to us all. And we will miss him dearly.
In honor of his wishes, there will be no public ceremony. We suggest remembrances to:
The West Seattle Monogram Club
Scholarship Fund
P. O. Box 16031
Seattle, WA 98116-6031
Medic One

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Bob Wray
Bob Wray
5 years ago

I was very sad to learn of Bill’s passing only this past week. I enjoyed knowing him since my days as a student with Nick at Highline High School and later in my adult life in the food business where we would often times catch up on life and family. Bill was all about family and his example spoke volumes of the man he was. I last saw him around November in front of my office next door to Angelo’s. I will remember him fondly and miss his big smile and giant hand on my shoulder when we would catch up. Rest in Peace Bill.

The Kindred Family
The Kindred Family
5 years ago

With tender regards regarding Mr. Castrow, we send our sincere condolences. May you and your family endure these difficult days with the help of Almighty God Ps.34:18 who provides comfort and strength. Our loved ones may leave the world but never the special place we hold for them in our heart.

Vera Airth
Vera Airth
5 years ago

Hello Arlene, Nick & Family, I worked with Bill, the true Gentle Giant, at Kenco Foodservice. Bill was a wonderful gentleman. I learned so much from him and enjoyed working with him. I enjoyed hearing Bill’s wonderful stories, that were larger than life. He always made sure, the girls in customer service were always taken care of – he will be missed!

Blessings to you and your families, Bill will be greatly missed.

Vera Airth

bruce biesold
bruce biesold
5 years ago

Our family wishes to extend our deepest condolence’s to the family.Bill and Bob Humber go back to the Worlds Fair with us. My father in law Gill Centioli introduced us and we have nothing but fond memories of him. Bruce and Phyllis Biesold

Fritzie Gibbons
Fritzie Gibbons
5 years ago

Bill Castrow was definetly a “gentle giant”. He was sweet and kind and as tolerant as he could be when Arlene and I got together when we were much younger to party. I shall never forget the look on his face when we misbehaved. I felt admonished by the man upstairs. He was a “love” and I shall never forget him.

Love to all of his family. Fritzie Gibbons

Jerry B. Thornton, Sr.
Jerry B. Thornton, Sr.
5 years ago

Arlene, Nick, Billy & Family-

Bill’s passing brought back a rush of memories beginning @ WSHS in ’48 football/baseball & through my brief Rambler years, PNW Football Hall of Fame & WSHS Monogram Club events, finally during Little League/Sandy Koufax games that our respective GrandKids played & he progressively became the “Bionic Giant”.

I also officiated a number of Nick’s Highline HS football games.

Please know that our thoughts & prayers are w/ one & all.

I’m blessed to have known Bill as a teammate & friend.

Jerry Thornton, Sr & Family.

Larry Rogavich
Larry Rogavich
5 years ago

Sorry for your loss, Remeber you always.

Ken & Karen Kawaguchi
Ken & Karen Kawaguchi
5 years ago

Dear Arlene and family,

We were shocked and saddened to hear of Bill’s passing. Our sincere condolences go out to you.

We cherished our friendship with Bill over the years. He will be missed.

“Bear”, we hope you’re hooked up to a Kenai King or Barn Door Halibut.

Jeri Lippmann
Jeri Lippmann
5 years ago
Colleen Castrow Fry
Colleen Castrow Fry
5 years ago

I don’t think there could be a greater tribute to Bill than the accounts written by Pat Grimm, and the Obituary written by Nick. Each of these men have captured Bill in all of his granduier. Bill was a man to look up to in more ways than one. He could capture your heart with a smile, and put you in your place with a look.

I remember when I got married Bill and Arlene stayed in the room where we changed for our honeymoon. My Bill, and myself short sheeted the bed on them. Bill tried to sound stern when he talked to us about it but he had a hard time holding back the laughter. He will be sorely missed by all,and we were lucky to have had him in our lives. Our love to the kids and I will stay in touch with our regular e-mails.

The DALE LAMB Family
The DALE LAMB Family
5 years ago

Arlene, we are very sorry for your loss. My father, Dale Lamb played for the Seattle Ramblers for years and I remember as a child and into my adult years, my Dad always speaking very highly of Bill, they were great friends. My Dad passed away in March this year, so they are now reunited, together again, in heaven. Prayers and Condolences.

Royce, Randy, Kim and Lisa

Jennifer & John Schwartz
Jennifer & John Schwartz
5 years ago

Aunt Arlene, Nick, Janet & Chris…

We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Uncle Bill will be missed!

We send you our love.

Pat Grimm
Pat Grimm
5 years ago

Bill Castrow’s passing has affected me in a way that didn’t expect. I feel very blessed to have a number of very close friends. Nick is like a brother, so perhaps that makes Bill Castrow … “Mr. C” as we called him, kind of like a step father, but I think there’s more to it in this case. Nick and I have been very close friends since we were 9 years old, and boating with other families provides a closeness that you just don’t get with other parents most of the time. If it is true that it takes a village to raise a child, then Bill Castrow was an elder in my village.

There’s a lot you say about Bill Castrow, but being around Mr. C, one thing certainly stood out. You were always aware of his strong, quiet confidence that made him a terrific role model. Mrs. C Arlene always said that she wanted to marry John Wayne … or at least the character that John Wayne portrayed, and she said that she got that when she married Bill. Nothing could be more true. I remember once when our families went to the SeaFair races in the early 70’s. The Castrows had a 50 foot Chris Craft similar to the Gee Gee and the 2 boats were side by side on the log boom. A teenage boy was walking the log boom and tried to discreetly reach into the Castrow’s cooler , pull out a beer and then stuffed it into his pants. Mr C was watching all this and calmly said to the young man, “Are you gonna wear that or drink it”? The kid replied, “I’m going to drink it”. To which, Mr C replied, “You’re going to put it back”. The stare down took all of one second and the kid quickly put the beer back and dove into the water to swim away. I have been the recipient of that look on several occasions and you knew that it meant business. Strength … confidence … he was the Quiet Man. There were numerous instances where his strength of character came thru. Too many to recount. Suffice it to say that you could always count on Mr C to do what was right even when it wasn’t comfortable… and he passed this trait on to his kids but also to some of his so-called step-kids too. He left a great legacy, and there’s probably no higher compliment that I can bestow on another human being. Certainly, Mr C is worthy of it.

I will miss Mr. C., and I wish that I can take away the hurt that Nick and his family feel right now. But I also know that this is a life worth celebrating. Perhaps everyone has had a Bill Castrow in their life. If they haven’t, they should. I know that I am a better person for having known him. Mostly, I just want to say thanks.

Here’s to you Mr. C. Thank you!

5 years ago

Clair will miss the head scraches as I show Chris what to do on his projects? Great famly,freind, and person. We will miss Him

Gunnar, Lori,Clair,and Joyce