Zaharias Andrias
January 17, 1953 - August 26, 2007

Passed away Sunday, August 26 at the age of 54 after a battle with lung cancer. He is survived by his sister Kathy Chris Manzieris & niece Kiki Rob Hower all of Seattle and numerous relatives in Greece. Trisagion service will be held Friday Aug. 31 at 7:00 pm at Bonney-Watson Funeral Home, 1732 Broadway, Seattle 98122. Funeral service will be held Saturday, Sept. 1, 2007 at 11:00 am at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption, 1804 13th Ave, Seattle 98122. Burial to follow at Lakeview Cemetery. Remembrances can be made to the Greek Orthodox Church or the American Lung Association.
Still can’t believe you are gone, my dear friend….miss you always.
To the Andrias Family, loved ones and, friends: My heart, condolences, and, deepest sympathies go out to you all. We have lost such a good, good, person at such at early age. Myself and family, including sister Kathleen, were part of the old “39th gaggle” of kids who grew-up together in the late 1950’s and ealy 1960’s on good ole 39th Ave. SW. We Dobbs’ lived at 2671 39th — If I recall correctly, the Andrias Home was on the SW corner of 39th and SW Stevens St.
The Andrias home was always so immaculate, seemed to be painted evey year! My Dad always noticed this, and, at lest every-other summer, knowing how much I hated painting, would say, “Here you go Son, here are the cans and the brushes!!” Jack and his family set the bar pretty high.
It was a wonderful and innocent time to grow-up together on 39th SW — playing kickball or baseball until after 11PM on summer nites. And, hoops too, Doug Schumacher had the only hoop on the block, so, we spent a lot of time in his driveway. The Galus’s lived right next door to us, and, Danny Stevenson and Sis right across the St. The Janecke’s, I particularly remember Stephanie and Mike, lived right around the corner. The rest of you, well, write in….
Hope I’m not running out of words: a few favorite stories about Jack…Danny and I cannot decide whether it was the ’81 or ’82 HUSKY Rose Bowl, but, the pre-game New Year’s Eve “Warm-Up” was at the ST Boneventure Hotel in downtown LA — my Sis and I were all the way out in Pasadena with relations, but, we drove into LA for the celebration, and, arriving early, went to the hotel bar for a champagne…but, WHOM do you think we ran into! Jack and Danny! We spent the next 5 hrs. at the Husky party, and, was pretty much like a 39th AV. “reunion!”
Two more things about Jack, he was a “stand-up” guy, and, we never forgot about our almost 50 years of friendship. Although I do not believe that he graduated WSHS, for many years, he would show-up at All School Reunion, just to find my 1965 Reunion Room just to say “hello”, and, catch-up on old times. When he did not show this past June, I started to get a little worried.
The last tangent was, that, for years, I drove the #37 Alki bus…I always had a “layover” at the No. Admiral 7-11. Incrediby, most often in the hot spring/summer months, Jack and I would catch–up there as well..seemed to conincide with his shift-end Boeing, I believe? — we would talk and cackle about the old days, he with his cold Bud, and, me with my coffee, Times, and, sandwhich. I had no idea how ill he really was…towards the end, we were both talking and praying for retirement.
Jack was a good and gracious person…I am proud to have known him for almost 50 Yrs….My wife, Karen, and I, were proud to be able to attend his funeral. Our love and Grace to Jack and you all, Gary and Karen Dobbs
I will always love Jack. He is the only one who I have stayed in touch with. He always made me smile and laugh at his humorous ways. There will always be the freezer, Jack! See you.
Jack, you will always be remembered for the way you made a room come alive when you entered it. Thank you for teaching me the importance of taking time to “live” while we are here on earth. You will be missed.
Jack was a great friend and co worker. He will be dearly missed in our lives and here at work.
The good old west Seattle boy and one real good man thanks for the time you gave me to know you. you will be missed
We will Dearly miss you Jack your co-worker
sorry about your loss.i’ve worked with jack about the last 3 years and he always made people laugh.he will be missed by many
Hey Jack,West Seattle won’t be the same with out you.Jack could always bring a smile to your face and make you laugh.